UBC’s two major campuses are governed by a single Board of Governors, a President, and two Senates (one at each campus) whose activities are coordinated by a Council of Senates.
Board of Governors
UBC’s Board of Governors is comprised of 21 members:
- 11 appointed by the Lieutenant Governor in Council (two are nominated by the UBC Alumni Association)
- 3 elected by faculty (1 Okanagan, 2 Vancouver)
- 3 elected by students (1 Okanagan, 2 Vancouver)
- 2 elected by fulltime non-faculty employees (1 Okanagan, 1 Vancouver)
- 1 Chancellor
- 1 President
By legislation, the Board is responsible for the management, administration and control of the property, revenue, business and affairs of the University, including the appointment of senior officials and faculty on the recommendation of the President.
Under the terms of the British Columbia University Act, academic governance is vested in the Senate, whose powers include:
- to determine all questions relating to the academic and other qualifications required of applicants for admission as students to the University or to any faculty and to determine in which faculty the students pursuing a course of study must register;
- to consider, approve and recommend to the Board the revision of courses of study, instruction and education in all faculties and departments of the University;
- to provide for and to grant degrees, including honorary degrees, diplomas and certificates of proficiency, except in theology;
- to recommend to the Board the establishment or discontinuance of any faculty, department, course of instruction, chair, fellowship, scholarship, exhibition, bursary or prize;
- to determine the members of the teaching and administrative staffs who are to be members of each faculty.
UBC Vancouver and UBC Okanagan each have an autonomous senate. Coordination between Senates is achieved by the Council of Senates, which has the mandate to act on any matter brought forward by either the Vancouver or Okanagan Senate.